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How to Build Rapport to Attract Online Clients in the Natural Wellness Industry

Aug 8, 20230 comments

Written by: Joanna Teljeur
Reviewed By: Victoria Williams R.H.N.

How to Build Rapport to Attract Online Clients in the Natural Wellness Industry

by Well Queen

Why is it important to build rapport with clients/patients?

If you’re a wellness practitioner or entrepreneur in the natural wellness industry, then you know that building rapport with current and potential clients/patients is especially important. Well, this is doubly so when it comes to your online presence and interaction with followers and clients. 

Of course, building rapport with your followers is vital for any business, but as a natural wellness leader, you and your business really thrive when you build solid, lasting relationships with the people you guide. Afterall, working with the individual is probably your strong-suit as a practitioner, and you have empathy in spades, but of course, sometimes it’s easy to forget this, especially in the virtual world. Is this you?

How much would you love to better understand your audience’s unique concerns, preferences, and aspirations? You see, when you cultivate rapport with potential clients, you inspire them to take a more active role in their wellness journey, promoting greater adherence to wellness practices and advice. 

Building rapport leads to more positive and lasting outcomes in the lives of your audience, making your platform a source of authentic and reliable guidance.

One of my absolute favorite ways to build rapport here at Well Queen is to use the 5 Tactics to Build Rapport, as taught by Russell Brunson in his book Expert Secrets. (Plus a bonus 6th tactic!).

So, if you’re still with me, and if you’d love to learn how to develop rapport with customers, then you’re in luck! Read on to discover the 6 ways to build better rapport with your clients, patients, and followers and begin to realize your full potential as a natural wellness practitioner.

What is rapport?

According to Mirriam-Webster, the definition of “rapport” is: a friendly, harmonious relationship, especially one characterized by agreement, mutual understanding, or empathy that makes communication possible or easy.

Interestingly, the definition centers around empathy, mutuality, and good communication – three qualities that most wellness professionals seem to embody. But it’s easy to forget this in the course of a busy day. 

For some, these qualities might have been seen as weak points and discouraged. Is this you? 

You might have an intrinsic ability for building rapport, but over time, you’ve just fallen out of practice. Well, worry not, because we’re going to show you how to channel your inner empath so you can build rapport with followers and potential clients alike. Are you ready? 

What is Rapport

The 6 ways to develop rapport with prospects

1. Encourage their dream

In this ever-changing world, where dreams may seem shattered and uncertainty prevails, you are a dream maker, igniting the spark of passion and purpose within each individual you encounter. 

At Well Queen, we believe that everyone has a dream, and everyone wants to make an impact on the world, agreed?! 

And like it or not, it’s true. You are a dreamworker! Right now, people feel dragged down by negativity, with uncertainty weighing heavy on their dreams. But you can help light their inner fire! Remember, there is always a way to make dreams come true and connect to your purpose. And, as you know, the feeling of helping people connect to their purpose and reigniting their passion for making an impact on the world is unmatchable.

So, as you build rapport, always utilize your natural empathetic skills to develop a strong connection to your clients and followers.

2. Justify their failures

Another amazing way to build rapport with potential clients is to acknowledge past failures, justify and validate them. When you do this, you tap into a person’s emotions and help them feel understood. 

We can all be especially hard on ourselves. And don’t forget that shame plays an enormous role in our psyche, so when you acknowledge failures, you help alleviate shame. Once you’ve eased the feeling of shame, you establish a connection – you build rapport! 

At Well Queen, we like to speak to people with encouragement and understanding. 

“You were doing the best you could at the time, you just didn’t know any better. At least you tried! At least you were a little bit better than you were yesterday.”

Justifying a person’s past failures and promoting self-compassion will help emphasize their growth and allow them to learn from their mistakes.

“It’s okay. It’s not your fault.”

“When you know better, do better.”

“The only person you should try to be better than is the person you were yesterday.”

You can build great rapport by helping your clients and followers transform their failures into a wondrous tool for growth and achievement. Afterall, setbacks are merely springboards to success.

3. Allaying their fears

Build rapport by acknowledging and diminishing fears! 

In today’s digital landscape, building credibility is paramount because frankly, so many people are running scams! So, listen actively to determine any fears (real or imagined) that your clients may have. 

You can do this by proactively providing links to your website, clinic information, social media accounts, and relevant scientific studies. We always share this information before anyone asks for it! 

This might seem counterintuitive, but when you make the first move to alleviate any concerns your clients may have about the legitimacy of your practice, you will earn their trust and loyalty. This is something we do religiously at Queen of the Thrones®, and it has made all the difference in earning trust and building better relationships with our customers.

Another way to build rapport is by being transparent when you’re addressing their fears and apprehensions. You want to demonstrate your commitment to building trust and instilling confidence in your current and potential clients, and transparency is an amazing way to do this.

4. Confirm their suspicions

Establish rapport by addressing the elephant in the room! 

Again, the proliferation of internet scams has made everyone understandably suspicious. So, instead of avoiding the suspicion, address it head-on.

“Maybe you think I’m a scammer. Don’t worry – I’ve been in practice for over a decade. I know there are scammers out there, but I’m not one of them! Check me out.”

Here at Well Queen, we like to offer this kind of openness about suspicions because it will help open the door to a more meaningful conversation. Once again, you’re proactively tapping into a person’s emotional center and helping them feel understood.

“I know – you might think I’m a snake oil salesman. Witch doctor. Woo-woo. Charlatan. Quack.”

It’s very powerful when you say exactly what’s on their mind, or what they’ve heard other people in their life say, because it creates a huge sense of connection and trust, agreed? And when you have a strong connection, you have a strong rapport.

Plus, when you acknowledge common suspicions and doubts, you openly establish an authentic dialogue with your potential clients. Then when you address misconceptions and emphasize your dedication to ethical practices, you dissolve any barriers that may hinder the establishment of good rapport. 

Remember, authenticity fosters a sense of connection, which paves the way for more meaningful and transformative engagements.

5. Throw rocks at their enemies 

Having a common enemy is one of the fastest ways to build rapport with clients.

So, think about some enemies you might have in common with your followers. Bear in mind that an enemy doesn’t have to be a person – it can be a thought, a situation, a feeling, a condition…  

In the wellness profession, you’re probably all too familiar with the way in which fatigue plagues people’s lives. Fatigue might plague you as well! So, if it does, you can use this as a point of connection in building rapport.

For example, you could say something like, “I completely understand. If you’re feeling fatigued most of the day, it’s impossible to get things done!” 

Better yet, you can use a more universal enemy like inflation or IBS.

“I can so understand why you’d want to reduce your weekly expenses with inflation going through the roof. But no worries! We’ll find a way around it.”

“IBS can be such a nightmare! I know it gets in the way of your goals, but we’ll try to find a way around it!”

You get the idea. When you practice empathy, you establish rapport with clients, followers, and potential patients.

Are you finding this helpful? Be sure to sign up for the Well Queen Newsletter to gain access to other business-building tips.  

6. Bonus rapport builder: nod their head 

Have you ever been around someone who doesn’t talk to you but at you? You stand there listening to them trying to absorb everything, but it feels like you’re listening to a formal presentation. You can’t seem to connect.

You feel this way because the person talking has failed to speak to you empathetically. They might feel empathetic, but they aren’t very successful at showing it. And, as a result, they haven’t established a good rapport with you, have they?

But when you talk with someone who constantly acknowledges your presence by asking you questions like, “Can you relate?” or “Do you know what I mean?” you feel like you’re part of the conversation. Why? Because you have been actively engaged!

Basically, when you speak to potential clients, remember to build rapport by keeping them engaged in the conversation whether face-to-face, or in the form of a written post. Keep them nodding their heads.

The goal here is to empathize with the person, and move them into a positive ‘yes’ energy by getting them to nod their head as they read or listen. When they respond in this way, they are more in tune with your high vibe energy and the message you’re trying to convey. Makes sense, agreed?

Why Rapport Matters

Rapport is not merely a superficial connection; it is the bedrock of your wellness practice. By actively practicing empathy, listening intently, and demonstrating genuine interest, you can establish a profound bond with your clients.

This bond helps them feel supported and understood, which enables them to navigate through challenging times and move closer to achieving their dreams. 

Bottom line – building rapport is the cornerstone of empowering dreams, especially within the realm of your wellness practice. Through empathy, encouragement, and authentic engagement, you uplift spirits and inspire your clients to reconnect with their true purpose so they can be well. 

So, let us continue to cultivate rapport to allow your clients to embark on a transformative journey towards a brighter and more fulfilling future.

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